
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Homemade Ranch Dressing

Hi Friends! I have been so busy canning/freezing/dehydrating fruits and tomatoes. I love this season but it is nice when were done. Here is a Ranch Dressing recipe. It is so good and easy! I mix all the dry ingredients in a mason jar and store it in my cupboard.

Dry Mix:
1/4 cup dry minced parsley flakes
1/4 cup dry minced onion
1 Tbsp dry dillweed
2 Tbsp onion salt
2 Tbsp garlic salt
2 Tbsp onion powder
2 Tbps garlic salt
1 Tbps salt

Mix 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of dry mix
1 cup sour cream (I like Daisy brand)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup milk ( cow or sesame. To make sesame milk blend sesame seeds with water until it turns "milky")

Linking up here:
Handyman Crafty women
Someday Crafts
The Gingerbread Blog


Crunchy Creamy Sweet said...

Great idea! Bookmarked:) Following you!

Liberty said...

I like Daisy too - they use unpasurized cream!!!

April said...

This looks like an awesome recipe! WE go through a lot of ranch! I hope you will link up with me here:

Jayne Vincent said...

I will be making this with my 15 year-old (food snob!) son this afternoon and can hardly wait! Thanks for sharing :)

Chef in Training said...

yum! Sounds like such a great recipe! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!