When you click on the diapers below, you will find another link to "Subscribe and Save at Amazon.com" Sign Up and your diapers will be shipped to you. You can manage how often and the quantity at My Account.
Next, I have signed up for Prime. It's a free trial period, but every time I buy a "Prime" item it makes my trial for longer so I have never paid.
Here's an example of what you can get and shipping is free:
We get this box for $14.60 (it won't show you this price until your Prime and Subscribe and Save)
And this box for $24.45
how funny! I just did this, but I didn't know about the prime membership. I felt like I won the lottery when I found amazon mom! lol
That's the only way I buy diapers!! Love it!
Ha Ha Dieter sprawled on his sis!
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