
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Got Allergies?

We don't!! About 4 months ago I noticed Dieter showing signs of allergies (throwing up, rashes, eczema). One of our neighbors told us about a chiropractor that cleared up his daughters severe dairy allergies, so we thought we would give this chiropractor a try. We figured it couldn't hurt...
Well, Dieter has been allergic (and sensitive) to so many things; dairy, corn, yeast, soy, banana, apples, berries, detergent, chemicals, chlorine, avocado, sugar, millet, flax seed, rubber, plastic, newspaper, latex... Seriously, me and Kimball have been so surprised to the things he was allergic to. It seemed like everything he touched (or after he ate) he broke out in a terrible rash. Well, we have some good news to those of you that have allergies, Dieter is cured!!! No more rashes, eczema, throwing up. It has been such a blessing that our neighbor told us about Dr. Scott Skaggs. The treatments are easy and there wasn't any skin poking either!! I would highly recommend seeing him. And to top it off, he has fixed Kimball's seasonal allergies!! Dr. Skaggs as saved us a lot of trouble in the future. I honestly don't know what Dieter would have eaten when he got older. I would recommend him to anyone. If your interested here is his number...782-4454


Chantel said...

I'm glad Dieter is doing better. A cure for seasonal allergies? That'd be great. Sign us up! We've all got them over here. Even the dog, poor Kohl. You think he could cure him? ha-ha

Kari said...

Holy cow! I can't beleive all he's allergic to. The list went on and on. Poor little guy. Glad you found a cure!

Blackeyedsue said...

Thank you for posting this. My sister, Stacy Ellsworth, told me about your experience and we have an appointment with Dr. Skaggs this afternoon. Our 2.5 year old has been diagnosed through blood tests as allergic to egg yolk, almond, brazil nut, cashew, coconut, hazelnut, peanut, pecan, walnut, orange, soy bean, casein, egg white and cinnamon. She has had anaphalactic reactions to eggs and peanuts. We are hoping and praying Dr. Skaggs can work miracles. When I called though, they weren't clear on how exactly they do the treatments. Could you enlighten me?